N.º 12 / 2023
Fields of Collaboration in Contemporary Art Practices EDITORS Ana Azevedo (ICNOVA/NOVA FCSH) Benedita Pestana (NOVA FCSH) Filipa Cordeiro (IFILNOVA/NOVA FCSH) Margarida Brito Alves (IHA/DHA/NOVA FCSH) Maura Grimaldi (ICNOVA/NOVA FCSH) Raquel Ermida (IHA/NOVA FCSH) This issue of RHA-W is the result of a selection of articles presented at the international conference Fields of Collaboration in Contemporary Art Practices that took place at Culturgest - FCGD, in Lisbon, in 2019. The event brought together a group of artists and researchers who sought to reflect on collaboration in art practices, exploring their potential to generate new production models and shape creation, relationship and organization processes, problematizing aesthetic and political issues. |